Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pretzel Fun!

As many of you know, we had a showing of our house yesterday. It is probably not this way for everyone, but getting our house ready for showings nearly kills us. Even if we went to bed with a perfect house every night, we would still be here in the morning. :-) I would think that could be an advantage to going to work and school...if I cleaned my house, at least it would stay that way until supper. Anyway, after the grueling task of getting it ready, we are usually pretty useless afterwards. Today was no exception.

Around 5:00 this evening, Alyssa was inspired to bake. She chose a recipe from her favorite cookbook for pretzels. Since the kitchen was clean (because we had just showed the house the previous day), and we had everything on hand, I told her to have at it! Thought you might want to see how much fun we had. :-)

Megan thought a more creative use of her dough was in order. :-) Silly Girl!

The babies agreed....a very fun night!

Alyssa to babies: "Do you want salt or cinnamon-sugar?"

The babies response: "SPRINKLES!"

That's a good lookin' pretzel!

I'm not sure what Emilie was doing (as usual). :-) Whatever she was doing...she was enjoying it!

Coming out of the you smell them?

They tasted as good as they looked!

We all agreed that this recipe was not as good as the one we got at Family Camp, but like most things we love, it is packed in a box somewhere in the garage waiting to see the light of day, and has been for the past year and a month. (But who's counting?) Maybe soon!
There were no complaints, however. Just silence and chewing. :-)

Good Night!!



  1. Looks like a blast! What recipe book does she use? Is it a kids recipe book? I've been looking for something like that. Hope you all have a good week with Jeff off!

  2. Those look delicious and like lots of fun!
