Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Funny Little Thing Called....Patience

It occurred to me as I brushed my teeth yesterday morning (one of the few times in my day that there is a chance I will be able to complete a thought) that I left out a very important detail to my story the other day. I was so tired (and punchy) when I wrote that....we had only been home about thirty minutes.

Remember I told you that Jeff dropped me off at the curb? I forgot to tell you when I actually saw him again.

Are you dying to know?

About one minute after I sat down in the waiting room.

Yep. If I had stayed with him, I would have only been one minute later than I was after my Olympic event trying to find where I was supposed to be. As it turns out, when you walk into the door from the parking garage...the only door from the parking garage....and go about 20 feet, you arrive at Registration "B". I told you....his even temperament is a gift...and I always end up being the one that looks a circus clown. :-)

We seem to have recovered fully from our big adventure. Clara's Mito Doc in Georgia started her on a new supplement to help with leg pain. We couldn't order it until we got home after Christmas , and she said it would take about a month to know if it is working, so we wait. We would really like to get her off of the ibuprofen she takes 2-3 times per day, so we are praying hard that this works for her pain. The only downside is that it can cause damage to her kidneys if she doesn't drink enough fluids, so I am trying...TRYING to remember to make her drink a lot. Otherwise, the doctors at the U of M did not change anything with her medications and supplements for now. There is a good chance the endocrinologist will add some medications and likely a Vitamin D supplement, but for now, no changes.

On the school front, things seem to be falling into place. We have had some really good days recently, so I think we are back on a roll. I have been assured by other homeschool Moms here that we will have plenty of time to catch up while it is snowing....and they are right. We have been doubling up on some things because I can promise you, with all this snow, we don't want to go ANYWHERE we don't have to. :-) Alyssa has been plugging along, as usual, with the constant knowledge that once she gets her work done, she is done for the day and can do what she wants to do (which usually involves more reading....gotta love that!). With Emilie, it continues to be a constant challenge to keep her on task. Yesterday, however, I finally implemented the workbox system that I have wanted to do for SO LONG and I think it's going to work!! We had the calmest day we have had in a long time, and for the first time in...I don't know how long...Emilie got all of her work done...and without me having to remind her even ONE time. I am cautiously optimistic, but more hopeful than I have been in a long time where she is concerned.

And then the little ones...those sweet little ones. I have a few favorite blogs that I have been collecting ideas from for a good year, but have had little time to implement those ideas. (See my favorite blogs on the sidebar). Last Monday, I finally started with them, and now everyday the first thing they want to know is, "Do you have acti-bi-ties for us today?" I love their eagerness to learn. I hope it stays that way. This week, we are studying the letter "T". I had already printed lots of "T" activities here and here. One of the things I downloaded were the "T is for Turtle" graphing cards. I wasn't really sure when I would implement them, but yesterday, as I was cleaning up a bag of dried black-eyed peas, trying to remove rocks and varmint-stricken peas, the little ones were very intent on "helping". Well you can imagine how many rocks and varmint-stricken peas were going into my pot. So I pulled out the graphing cards, gave them the black-eyed rejects, and let them graph away....and was able to peacefully start my pot of beans. :-) Here are some pictures:

And just for fun, Megan, our little Sunshine:

Have a fabulous day!


1 comment:

  1. That last pic made me smile!

    Can't believe Jeff was only a minute behind you -- omg!!!
