Well, there is so much to update that I will probably need two or three posts to do it. So much has happened this month, but so many of you have asked about Clara, I will start with her. Medically, we got another kick in the gut. That's exactly what it feels like when I take her to the doctor for what I think will be a routine check-up, and then we get some more stinkin' news. We continue to be concerned about her legs, but now her growth seems to be an issue, too. Clara, as well as my other three girls, have always been 90th percentile kids. Some higher or lower, but always in the 90's for height and weight. Clara has only been a slight exception, as her head measurements are in the 120th%tile, give or take, and her height and weight were always lower 90's or upper 80's. She has a tibial torsion, which the orthopedic doctor said is NOT the same as bowed legs, but the neurologist said it IS the same (story of my life....every doctor says something different), but either way, they aren't straight. We were hoping, by now, to have seen more progress. Not only are her legs still very bowed, but her height has dropped to the 15th %tile, which means not only are her legs not straight, but they are not growing correctly. She is growing well from the waist up, but not so much from the waist down, and her knees are 'thick' where they are having to take the brunt of her weight-bearing. This is all just how I understand it for now. We have an appointment with an orthopedic in September...yes, September, so we will know more then. As you may remember from previous posts, we found an orthopedic we absolutely ADORED last year (after a very bad experience with another one), but when we called to make an appointment for this year, he is no longer taking our insurance. I was very nervous about trying to find another, but God worked it all out, as usual! Long story short, the one we have been scheduled with is supposedly THE guy for mito kids, and would have been the one recommended by both therapists and Mito Mom (whose opinion I greatly respect). Thank You, Lord!!
Now, for happier Clara news, we experienced what I will consider one of happiest days ever on June 5th, 2010. Butterfly Dreams had its first ever Fun Show to give all the therapy kids an opportunity to ride and "show their stuff". There were no "placements" made-all the kids got to choose their own color of ribbons-but it was proof that you can just love to ride without all of that. Don't get me wrong, there is certainly a place for that. Clara, apparently, is quite the natural little equestrian, and I would let her show horses for real in a heartbeat if money were no object. But it is, so we are just savoring every minute of that day!
Additionally, Rosie, Clara's normal horse, was not rideable for the show, as she decided a week earlier to roll in an ant bed and was covered from head to toe...er...hoof...with ant bites. Ms. Laura came to the rescue with her own, personal horse, Mage. We all fell in love with Mage. He is one fabulous horse! Ms. Laura is holding the basket of goodies Clara and I put together for Mage with all of his favorites: big, juicy carrots and apples. YUM!
Well, I hope I haven't totally bored you by going on and on, but when I say it was one of my happiest days ever...it really was. Seeing Clara on that horse just makes me so happy I could bust. Not only do I think she is beautiful up there, but it melts my heart to realize there is a physical activity that Clara could be really good at, in spite of her legs. Did I mention that we found a therapeutic riding ranch about 30 miles from where we'll be in Michigan?? Yep. Sure did. God is good!!
Well, there is so much more to update you all on, but it will have to wait another day. Please continue to pray with us for our house to sell. We have dropped to a VERY competitive price and so now it is totally in God's hands. There is not one more thing we can do but pray and pack! He has used this time to grow us in so many ways. In many respects, we are experiencing a revival, right here in our own home. We know He still has us here for a reason, and we have stopped even trying to guess what that reason is. Ideally, we would love to be up there before the first week in August, but we'll be ready whenever He is. Also, we are trying very hard to get our newsletter out. We try to send those out every 3-6 months, but I think it has been close to year since our last one. We would really like to have that done within the next week. It is such an important part of our ministry to stay in contact with our supporters, and a part we really love, but it is very time consuming. Please pray that God would multiply our time this week and that all of our technology would cooperate. When we are trying to print out letters is usually when our printer goes on the blink. As always, we would love to pray for you, too!! Please let us know how we can specifically pray for you or someone you know.
Many Blessing, My Friends!!
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